How to Cite a Peer Reviewed Article Mla

How to Cite a Journal Article in MLA | Format & Examples

An MLA Works Cited entry for a journal article contains the writer(s); commodity title; journal name; book and consequence; calendar month and year; folio range; and a DOI if accessed online. In the in-text citation, include the author's last name and the folio number.

Citing an online journal article

When citing an online journal article, first look for a DOI, every bit this is more stable and less probable to modify than a URL. A DOI should exist formatted every bit a full link outset with "https://", even if non listed every bit such on the page with the article.

Ahmed, Sara. "A Phenomenology of Whiteness." Feminist Theory, vol. 8, no. 2, Aug. 2007, pp. 149–168.

If there is no DOI, yous tin add a URL instead. If the commodity is in PDF form, you tin optionally note this in your reference.

Citing an article in a database

For sources that you accessed via a database, include the database proper name along with the DOI or permanent URL.

Geidel, Molly. "Building the Counterinsurgent Daughter." Feminist Studies, vol. 44, no. 3, 2018, pp. 635–665. JSTOR,

In MLA fashion, up to two authors are included in citations. List them in the order they announced in the source, separated by commas, and don't capsize the second author's name.

MLA journal citation: 2 authors
Format Author last name, First proper name, and Author commencement name last name. "Article Title." Journal Name , vol. Volume, no. Issue, Month Year, Page range. DOI or URL.
Works Cited entry Eve, Martin Paul, and Joe Street. "The Silicon Valley Novel."Literature and History, vol. 27, no. 1, May 2018, pp. 81–97.
In-text commendation (Eve and Street 84)

If an commodity has three or more authors, include but the showtime author's name, followed past  "et al."

MLA periodical citation: iii+ authors
Format Author final name, First name, et al. "Commodity Championship." Journal Name , vol. Volume, no. Effect, Month Year, Page range. DOI or URL.
Works Cited entry Steffen, Will, et al. "The Trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Dispatch."The Anthropocene Review, vol. two, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 81–98.
In-text citation (Will et al. 92)

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Manufactures in special issue journals

Special consequence journals focus on a specific theme, are written by a specific group of authors, or are compiled from a special event.

In these cases, include the special issue name, the phrase "special issue of," and the periodical's regular name. If the special upshot lists editors or other contributors, their names should also exist included.

Font, Sarah. A., and Jamie Cage. "Dimensions of Physical Punishment and Their Associations with Children's Cognitive Functioning and School Adjustment." Highlighting Pedagogy and Learning in the Context of Childhood Abuse, Neglect, and Related Stressors, special outcome of Child Abuse and Fail, edited by Shanta Rishi Dube, vol. 75, Jan. 2018, pp. 29–40.

Frequently asked questions nearly MLA fashion

Are article titles italicized in MLA?

The title of an article is not italicized in MLA style, but placed in quotation marks. This applies to articles from journals, newspapers, websites, or any other publication. Use italics for the championship of the source where the commodity was published. For example:

"A Complete Guide to MLA Citation" is published on theScribbr website.

Use the aforementioned formatting in the Works Cited entry and when referring to the article in the text itself.

How do I cite data from a footnote in MLA style?

Some source types, such every bit books and journal articles, may comprise footnotes (or endnotes) with additional information. MLA style provides guidelines for referring to information from a note in an in-text citation:

  • To cite information from a single numbered notation, write "north" after the page number, and so write the note number, e.g. (Smith 105n2)
  • To cite information from multiple numbered notes, write "nn" and include a range, eastward.g. (Smith 77nn1–2)
  • To cite information from an unnumbered notation, write "un" later on the page number, with a space in between, e.g. (Jones 250 un)
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