Wheres the Beef Small Bun More Beef
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![]() | Where's the beef? (nj.com) | ![]() | 75 | |
More: Silly, Hamburger, federal lawsuit, fast-food giants, Wendy's customer, Pleading, fast-food chains, Plaintiff, use of this site |
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3159 clicks; posted to Main » and Business » on 19 May 2022 at 10:50 AM (11 days ago) | Favorite | share:
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Source: https://www.fark.com/comments/12353496/Wheres-beef
Where's the Beef?
That's fine, as long as my footlong sub is 12 inches long.
What's that, you say?
"Wendy's materially overstates the amount of toppings and the size of the beef patties for nearly every menu item in its current advertisements," the lawsuit states.
On Tuesday, I received a burger with two pickle slices. On Wednesday, ordering the same burger, I received one pickle slice. I reported it to management and I hope the people responsible were fired. I have photographic evidence of both with a time stamp and everything.
Kick them when they're down, kick them when they're up, dirty business.
This looks like a very clever and professional attack on fast food generally. Apart from nutritionists and anti-capitalists, I wound who is bringing suit? Maybe it's Putin. Ha, ha, ha, just joking, not joking.
-Artfully arrange all the ingredients that are on a burger so most of it is visible to the camera, maybe even rearrange some sesame seeds
-Professional lighting
-Wide-angle lens
-low perspective
Does there exist a parody of Orwell's 1984 in which the proles endlessly attend religious conferences, every worker is paired with a lawyer, and party members are media celebrities?
The subject of beef is being covered in the Heard/Depp case.
The suit alleges Wendy's undercooks their beef patties to make them appear 15-20% larger in advertisements than those sold in stores.
So what he's saying is that Wendy's doesn't cook their burgers until they're small, dense, rock hard pancakes. Good luck with that in court dumbass.
kittyhas1000legs: -Artfully arrange all the ingredients that are on a burger so most of it is visible to the camera, maybe even rearrange some sesame seeds
-Professional lighting
-Wide-angle lens
-low perspective
[miro.medium.com image 768x357]
You also forgot slice burger in the back, Stretch burger out to look bigger and hold the back open and together with toothpicks.
Wait until they find out that advertisements showing scoops of ice cream are really using mashed potatoes.
Russ1642: The suit alleges Wendy's undercooks their beef patties to make them appear 15-20% larger in advertisements than those sold in stores.
So what he's saying is that Wendy's doesn't cook their burgers until they're small, dense, rock hard pancakes. Good luck with that in court dumbass.
He's saying the ones they actually serve you are cooked down to dense pucks. The ones in photos are left undercooked to appear larger.
Every time there's a McDonalds story, makes me want a Big Mac, which I loved as a kid. Then I go get one, and realize, yeah, that wasn't good.
I always thought the best burger commercials show them throwing the raw beef on the hot grill to start cooking with a bubbly sizzle you can almost taste with eyes and ears.
jclaggett: Russ1642: The suit alleges Wendy's undercooks their beef patties to make them appear 15-20% larger in advertisements than those sold in stores.
So what he's saying is that Wendy's doesn't cook their burgers until they're small, dense, rock hard pancakes. Good luck with that in court dumbass.
He's saying the ones they actually serve you are cooked down to dense pucks. The ones in photos are left undercooked to appear larger.
How can he prove how cooked a burger is in an ad?
Ads lie... where the hell did you grow up?!? Can I interest you in this bridge I found just laying on the ground?
Russ1642: The suit alleges Wendy's undercooks their beef patties to make them appear 15-20% larger in advertisements than those sold in stores.
So what he's saying is that Wendy's doesn't cook their burgers until they're small, dense, rock hard pancakes. Good luck with that in court dumbass.
That isn't what that says, at all.
It says they actively lie to to consumer.
They are correct .
The question will be is the lie so outrageous a normal person would understand it is an absolute exaggeration.
If a normal people would actually reasonably expect the images to match the reality then their in trouble.
Now that every one has become apathetic about the lies isn't fair.
But sure the court won't care.
And clearly you don't.
But. Seriously you think there can be zero expectation of so degree of honesty?
Those images are an absolute lie.
And it is intentional. Why are you okay with that?
If the burgers are undercooked in the ads or pictures, but are the same weight before cooking, then does it actually matter? You're still getting the same amount of meat, it's just smaller because more fat has rendered out of the real final product, meaning there's no material difference between what you see and what you get.
bighairyguy: Wait until they find out that advertisements showing scoops of ice cream are really using mashed potatoes.
Why are you okay with that?
Do you spend you time lying?
Advertising does. And you think that's okay?
jclaggett: Russ1642: The suit alleges Wendy's undercooks their beef patties to make them appear 15-20% larger in advertisements than those sold in stores.
So what he's saying is that Wendy's doesn't cook their burgers until they're small, dense, rock hard pancakes. Good luck with that in court dumbass.
He's saying the ones they actually serve you are cooked down to dense pucks. The ones in photos are left undercooked to appear larger.
Bait and switch
Russ1642: jclaggett: Russ1642: The suit alleges Wendy's undercooks their beef patties to make them appear 15-20% larger in advertisements than those sold in stores.
So what he's saying is that Wendy's doesn't cook their burgers until they're small, dense, rock hard pancakes. Good luck with that in court dumbass.
He's saying the ones they actually serve you are cooked down to dense pucks. The ones in photos are left undercooked to appear larger.
How can he prove how cooked a burger is in an ad?
I thought these suits were frivolous until TFA mentioned the expert hired by the defendants who mentioned in an interview her technique of undercooking the meat specifically so it would appear larger in ads. Oops! Should I not have said that?
Mikeyworld: Ads lie... where the hell did you grow up?!? Can I interest you in this bridge I found just laying on the ground?
So you think lies involving money are okay and should be defended and continue?
Should your doctor lie to you? Who else would give freedom to LIE?
Psychopusher: If the burgers are undercooked in the ads or pictures, but are the same weight before cooking, then does it actually matter? You're still getting the same amount of meat, it's just smaller because more fat has rendered out of the real final product, meaning there's no material difference between what you see and what you get.
Maybe. But it is all lies.
They say quarter pound. (But asterisk before cooking)
100 pure beef. That can be ture and not mean meat.
Nevermind even the raw pattie (right out of the cooler) isn't as farking big as their print add.
hoyt clagwell: I thought these suits were frivolous until TFA mentioned the expert hired by the defendants who mentioned in an interview her technique of undercooking the meat specifically so it would appear larger in ads. Oops! Should I not have said that?
You mean you support lie by omission?
"The suit alleges Wendy's undercooks their beef patties to make them appear 15-20% larger in advertisements than those sold in stores. "
uhhhh, i'd be surprised if the food in the ads was real food and not clay or other materials that look better on camera, and importantly, don't really have their appearance altered over a 40-60 min period of time while they cool off. A well the bread ain't likely real bread. it would smoosh and deform from being posed by hands.
Like you know ice cream in ads is not actually ice cream.
If i'm right this case will be over fast, they just show that that's not even real food to start with,m we for sure do not under cook the play-doh patty, it is a weighed out amount equal to the burger patty we sell.
And it already established that the patty weight is allowed to be given as it's pre cooked weight, whihc is how we pay for it, by it's weight size pre cooked.
Count me in.
I saw a billboard advertising a Big Mac and the sandwich I got was nowhere near the size of a billboard.
//I sound fat
Ran an honest ad campaign. Look where it got 'em.
Don't care for either. I like the thick burgers at Hardee's/Carl Jr's if I'm in a hurry.
Best one is from a good ole fashion "eats" by the side of the road.
Steak N Shake ain't too bad either.
PvtStash: "The suit alleges Wendy's undercooks their beef patties to make them appear 15-20% larger in advertisements than those sold in stores. "
uhhhh, i'd be surprised if the food in the ads was real food and not clay or other materials that look better on camera, and importantly, don't really have their appearance altered over a 40-60 min period of time while they cool off. A well the bread ain't likely real bread. it would smoosh and deform from being posed by hands.
Like you know ice cream in ads is not actually ice cream.
If i'm right this case will be over fast, they just show that that's not even real food to start with,m we for sure do not under cook the play-doh patty, it is a weighed out amount equal to the burger patty we sell.
And it already established that the patty weight is allowed to be given as it's pre cooked weight, whihc is how we pay for it, by it's weight size pre cooked.
???? Why are you OK with that????
stuhayes2010: Every time there's a McDonalds story, makes me want a Big Mac, which I loved as a kid. Then I go get one, and realize, yeah, that wasn't good.
I have a constant wanting for a Big Mac.. I've denied my canal cravings for over 15 years. I don't know why I want one so badly, as the last one I had was a disappointment and I felt sad and bloated afterwards.
None should ever complain that a date app person didn't look like their profile picture.
I don't care if their older, fatter, or not even the person in the picture.
I'm start using a picture of the Rock.
Cortez the Killer: stuhayes2010: Every time there's a McDonalds story, makes me want a Big Mac, which I loved as a kid. Then I go get one, and realize, yeah, that wasn't good.
I have a constant wanting for a Big Mac.. I've denied my canal cravings for over 15 years. I don't know why I want one so badly, as the last one I had was a disappointment and I felt sad and bloated afterwards.
Just go visit Subby's mom.
stuhayes2010: Every time there's a McDonalds story, makes me want a Big Mac, which I loved as a kid. Then I go get one, and realize, yeah, that wasn't good.
Back in the 60's they were pretty good. But everything now is so over processed.
This "lawsuit", the plantiff's might get enough back for 1/2 of a quarter pounder, but, the
LAW FIRM will make millions.
waxbeans: Russ1642: The suit alleges Wendy's undercooks their beef patties to make them appear 15-20% larger in advertisements than those sold in stores.
So what he's saying is that Wendy's doesn't cook their burgers until they're small, dense, rock hard pancakes. Good luck with that in court dumbass.
That isn't what that says, at all.
It says they actively lie to to consumer.
They are correct .
The question will be is the lie so outrageous a normal person would understand it is an absolute exaggeration.
If a normal people would actually reasonably expect the images to match the reality then their in trouble.
Now that every one has become apathetic about the lies isn't fair.
But sure the court won't care.
And clearly you don't.
But. Seriously you think there can be zero expectation of so degree of honesty?
Those images are an absolute lie.
And it is intentional. Why are you okay with that?
I mean it says right on the advertisement "Weight before cooking"
LOL @ truth in advertising.
That ship sailed a LONG time ago.
stuhayes2010: Every time there's a McDonalds story, makes me want a Big Mac, which I loved as a kid. Then I go get one, and realize, yeah, that wasn't good.
Mcdonald's when through a change in the 90s. They decided that "healthy" sold better than "good tasting." They took the beef fat out of their fries, and reduced the fat in their beef. So, what were the best fries in the world became mediocre. And the burgers went from greasy comfort food to dried out hockey pucks.
Ah this nonsense again.
Once again some people seem to lack the ability to discern between a carefully designed burger made up for an add, one that may have taken hours and multiple attempts to get picture perfect and one slung by a an employee paid at or near minimum wage that needs to be read to be handed over to the customer in a matter of minutes or less.
It has long been established ads like this are legal and any one with a bit of sense ought to be able to figure out the pics are of an absolute ideal image of what the food item looks like and that your unlikely to see it look so nice when you buy one. It will have the same kid of bun, meat patty and toppings but it cannot possibly be made with the same kind of care as the business model of a fast food place makes that impossible.
James T. Kirk: stuhayes2010: Every time there's a McDonalds story, makes me want a Big Mac, which I loved as a kid. Then I go get one, and realize, yeah, that wasn't good.
Mcdonald's when through a change in the 90s. They decided that "healthy" sold better than "good tasting." They took the beef fat out of their fries, and reduced the fat in their beef. So, what were the best fries in the world became mediocre. And the burgers went from greasy comfort food to dried out hockey pucks.
Note that they switched from beef tallow to "healthy" trans fats, as was the advice from the sanctimonious advocacy groups of the era. Before the world figured out that those were actually worse, and those same groups started making noise about banning trans fats.
Harry Freakstorm: "Wendy's materially overstates the amount of toppings and the size of the beef patties for nearly every menu item in its current advertisements," the lawsuit states.
On Tuesday, I received a burger with two pickle slices. On Wednesday, ordering the same burger, I received one pickle slice. I reported it to management and I hope the people responsible were fired. I have photographic evidence of both with a time stamp and everything.
Pickle thread!
Prof. Frink: Harry Freakstorm: "Wendy's materially overstates the amount of toppings and the size of the beef patties for nearly every menu item in its current advertisements," the lawsuit states.
On Tuesday, I received a burger with two pickle slices. On Wednesday, ordering the same burger, I received one pickle slice. I reported it to management and I hope the people responsible were fired. I have photographic evidence of both with a time stamp and everything.
Pickle thread!
Pickle! PICKLE! Stop doing that and go get me McDonald's! Extra Mac sauce! And a diet Coke!
that women became a household name in 1984
LineNoise: waxbeans: Russ1642: The suit alleges Wendy's undercooks their beef patties to make them appear 15-20% larger in advertisements than those sold in stores.
So what he's saying is that Wendy's doesn't cook their burgers until they're small, dense, rock hard pancakes. Good luck with that in court dumbass.
That isn't what that says, at all.
It says they actively lie to to consumer.
They are correct .
The question will be is the lie so outrageous a normal person would understand it is an absolute exaggeration.
If a normal people would actually reasonably expect the images to match the reality then their in trouble.
Now that every one has become apathetic about the lies isn't fair.
But sure the court won't care.
And clearly you don't.
But. Seriously you think there can be zero expectation of so degree of honesty?
Those images are an absolute lie.
And it is intentional. Why are you okay with that?
I mean it says right on the advertisement "Weight before cooking"
Okay Pepsi. No jump jet.
ltdanman44: [Fark user image image 850x478]
that women became a household name in 1984
That women?
OkieDookie: ltdanman44: [Fark user image image 850x478]
that women became a household name in 1984
That women?
People actually knew her name?
grimlock1972: Ah this nonsense again.
Once again some people seem to lack the ability to discern between a carefully designed burger made up for an add, one that may have taken hours and multiple attempts to get picture perfect and one slung by a an employee paid at or near minimum wage that needs to be read to be handed over to the customer in a matter of minutes or less.
It has long been established ads like this are legal and any one with a bit of sense ought to be able to figure out the pics are of an absolute ideal image of what the food item looks like and that your unlikely to see it look so nice when you buy one. It will have the same kid of bun, meat patty and toppings but it cannot possibly be made with the same kind of care as the business model of a fast food place makes that impossible.
Actually. When I worked at Wendy's I could make beautiful sandwiches. But still didn't look like the pictures.
You have no idea how good the food is until you make it yourself.
Id make my own patties. Use the new oil.
And put my sandwich together.
2 triples.
Biggie fry.
Biggie lemonade.
Salt and pepper on my ketchup.
Light on the sauce.
Nice looking lettuce.
Penalty of pickles.
Two correct tomato slices.
Both slices of cheese in the middle of the patties.
Tabasco on the meat.
I wish I still worked there.
That said. Even perfectly made by me with an eye for the select picks of each item.
No it doesn't look like that.
Don't defend lies.
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